Therapeutic Modalities

Therapeutic Modalities are used to help reduce inflammation, provide relief and enhance the healing process.


A form of chiropractic traction using a device that stretches and releases the spine while the patient lies facedown. Decompression is often times used to treat arthritis, herniated and bulging discs while improving circulation.


A pain management technique that applies electrical stimulation to affected nerves and muscles and encourages the body to release pain-killing chemicals, such as opiates and endorphins, and blocks pain signals from being transmitted to the brain.

Exercise Therapy

A form of chiropractic treatment used to help manage pain, rehabilitate damaged soft tissues, such as muscles, ligament, and tendons, and restore normal range of motion.

Heat Therapy

A form of chiropractic and physical therapy often used in patients who have chronic or long-lasting pain.

Herniated Disc Treatment

A common disorder in which a disc ruptures and shifts to a position that irritates the spinal nerves. A herniated disc occurs frequently within the lumbar region of the spine.

Ice Therapy (Cryotherapy)

A form of therapy involving the application of ice to treat several types of acute injuries, including those associated with back or neck pain.

Cold Laser Therapy

The technology utilizes superluminous and laser diodes to irradiate abnormal tissue with photons; these particles of energy are absorbed by a variety of molecules resulting in the conversion of light into biochemical energy. Multiple positive physiological responses are thereby initiated and normal cell morphology and function are restored. This process is curative and eliminates symptoms (ie. pain, edema, etc.)


A form of chiropractic treatment, which involves the application of gentle, yet firm, specified pressure to bones. The goal of manipulation is to relieve pressure from the surrounding spinal nerves, eliminate pain and restore normal range of motion.

Maintenance Care

Also known as “preventative maintenance”, maintenance care is a subluxation correction program that involves spinal adjustments and examination in order to maintain spinal alignment.

Strengthening Exercises

Exercises that focus on strengthening the core muscles that protect your spine. These muscles include the abdominal and back muscles.

Stretching Exercises

Exercises that focus on limbering the soft tissue surrounding your spine and other body extremities.

Therapeutic Massage

A form of massage that involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm and stress.


A pain therapy technique using sound waves to heat soft tissues while viewing the condition of joints, nerve roots, tendons muscles and more. The ultrasound sometimes helps chiropractors figure out the best form of treatment.

Trigger Point Therapy

The chiropractor applies gentle pressure using his or her fingertips to relax muscle spasms and separate the vertebrae.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue therapy works on trigger points in specific muscles.  Trigger points are localized areas of muscle that are hyper-irritable.  They are a common source of pain, not only in the effected muscle but also in other areas.  This is known as referred pain.  Trigger point therapy can be somewhat painful but the positive effects are a decrease in pain and an increase in muscle tension.

Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment for expectant mothers. This techniques used to correct sacral misalignment and balance pelvic muscles and ligaments which in turn helps to remove torsion to the woman’s uterus, its resulting constraint to the baby, and allows the baby to get into the best position for birth.